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Bine ati venit la cabinetul urologic UroMed
Dr. Sova Edvin
Ne bucurăm că ați ales cabinetul de urologie UroMed. Acesta va oferă consultații urologice la standarde europene într-un mediu primitor. services that are provided by fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, in a safe and secure environment. Whether you desire minimally invasive facial rejuvenation or perforator flap breast reconstruction, we are committed to providing the highest quality experience, focusing on the unique needs of the plastic surgery patient.
Oferim cele mai frecvente proceduri ce se adresează ambulatoriului urologic printre care se regasesc si:
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De ce sa ne alegi pe noi?
Suntem singurul cabinet de urologie deschis in toate zilele lucratoare unde nu mai trebuie sa astepti pentru a fi programat.
Urologie la cele mai inalte standarde
You can apply Shape Dividers to the columns block, choose from 4 beautiful designs.
Commited Surgical Team
You can apply Shape Dividers to the columns block, choose from 4 beautiful designs.
Modern Surgical Equipment
You can apply Shape Dividers to the columns block, choose from 4 beautiful designs.
Ai nevoie de un Medic Stomatolog?
We`re always accepting new patients! We believe in providing the best possible careto all our existing patients and welcome new patients to samplethe service we have to offer.